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The Secrets of Caledonia


Skin Comfort | Eyebright
Plant Name: Eyebright

INCI Name: Euphrasia Officinalis Extract


Euphrasia officinalis is widely distributed in Alpine pastures throughout the world.
Eyebright is used in herbal medicine for eye conditions.
It is also used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent to reduce skin allergies and itching.
Due to these effects, it is used topically for treating acne and skin inflammation.
The antioxidant activities of its constituents, such as flavonoids, tannins and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives,
were carefully examined and antimicrobial of its extracts were demonstrated.
Eyebright extract was found to inhibit IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, as well as IL-10 in human cells, confirming its anti-inflammatory activity.