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The Secrets of Caledonia


Selfheal | Self-heal
Plant Name: Self-heal

INCI Name: Prunella Vulgaris Extract


Prunella vulgaris has been traditionally used for wounds on the skin and burns.
It is also used for drawing out infections, such as abscesses and boils.
In Western herbalism, Self-heal has been commonly used as an astringent and demulcent, stabilizing tissue and
protecting the skin’s moisture at the same time.
Self-heal contains a number of phytochemicals such as rutin, betulinic acid and delphinidin.
It is especially high in rosmarinic acid, known to exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.
Caffeic acid is known to show significant protective effects, whilst phenolic acids are reported to accelerate wound healing.

Many research studies have been conducted identifying Self-heal extract to have antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities.




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