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The Secrets of Caledonia


True Cure-RSO | Speedwell
Plant Name: Speedwell

INCI Name: Veronica Officinalis Extract



Veronica officinalis is a violet-flowering plant, commonly used as an edible or medicinal herb. 

In European traditional medicine, Speedwell was used for its diuretic and tonic properties. 

When applied externally as a salve, it was thought to relieve irritated skin, eczema and aid in skin healing. 

Speedwell’s protective effects against oxidative stresses has been measured by monitoring several biomarkers of oxidative stress. 

Anti-inflammatory mechanisms have been identified in Speedwell by diminishing the release of inflammatory mediator, 

PGE2 by reducing COX-2 expression. 

Recently, phenolic compounds of the Veronica genera were identified and evaluated for antioxidant and anti-microbial activities, 

making Speedwell extract a promising cosmetic agent.



