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The Secrets of Caledonia

The Secrets of Caledonia (TSOC) is a supplier of natural cosmetic ingredients inspired by Scottish traditional herbal medicine.
Taking advantage of Scotland’s biodiversity and working in collaboration with established Scottish herbalists,
we aim to provide the most effective and innovative natural ingredients at the highest quality.


멤버십 혜택

TSOC Members 가입을 환영합니다.
TSOC Members에서는 허브북과 뉴스레터 등 TSOC의 소식을
더욱 빠르고 다양하게 접하실 수 있습니다.

멤버십 혜택 미리보기

  • Velvetein

  • True Cure

  • GNS PRODUCT - Yeast Ferment Filtrate

  • GNS PRODUCT - Jeju White Blossom