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Brief description of products

Using natural Scottish flora and with the support of Scottish herbalists,
we produce of a wide range of active natural cosmetic ingredients that effectively improve the skin through anti-aging,
skin brightening and more. Our highly acclaimed products include…



Queenoa | Quinoa
Plant Name: Quinoa

INCI Name: Chenopodium Quinoa Seed Extract


 Chenopodium Quinoa is a flowing plant in the Aramanth family, that is grown as a food crop for its edible seeds. 

It originates from the Andean region in South America yet is now consumed all over the world. 
It is highly nutritious and rich in A, E and B vitamins and minerals magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. 
These molecules have been found to help treat age spots, and other skin pigmentation conditions. 
Scientific analysis indicates that Quinoa is high in oleanolic acid, which is a potent skin-smoothing ingredient, 
that has been used in cosmetics for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.