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Brief description of products

Using natural Scottish flora and with the support of Scottish herbalists,
we produce of a wide range of active natural cosmetic ingredients that effectively improve the skin through anti-aging,
skin brightening and more. Our highly acclaimed products include…



Avenaseed | Oat
Plant Name: Oat

INCI Name: Avena Sativa (Oat) Seed Extract


Avena sativa is a species of cereal grain, that grows well in Scotland. 
It is rich in essential nutrients including protein, dietary fibre, B vitamins and minerals, especially manganese. 
The history of oats in skin care dates back to Ancient Egypt. Oat baths are still used as external treatments for eczema and irritated skin. 
They are known to relieve itching, moisturise and protect the skin. 
One of the most well-studied active compounds of oat is avenathramides, a group of phenolic alkaloids, which have anti-inflammatory and 
anti-itch activities. Oats are also high in β-glucans, which have protective, water-holding and emollient properties. 
Oat extracts have been found to diminish pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro whilst showing significant clinical improvements in skin dryness, 

roughness and scaling.






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