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Brief description of products

Using natural Scottish flora and with the support of Scottish herbalists,
we produce of a wide range of active natural cosmetic ingredients that effectively improve the skin through anti-aging,
skin brightening and more. Our highly acclaimed products include…



ActiveE-RSO | Echinacea
Plant Name: Echinacea

INCI Name: Echinacea Purpurea Extract


 Echinacea Augustofolia is a flowering plant native to North America. 

The Native Americans used this plant as a medicinal herb, and it was not until the 18th and 19th Century
where it was popular and introduced to Westerners. 
The extracts of Echinacea were often used in the treatment and prevention of upper respiratory tract infections and as an immune stimulant. 
It can boost the immune system and reduce pain. 
Topically, it was applied to the skin to help with acne, inflammation, boils and wounds. 
Caffeic acid derivatives, glycoproteins and polysaccharides are some of the phytochemicals found in Echinacea.

Lipophilic alkamides have strong anti-inflammatory properties.


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