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Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

The Secrets of Caledonia is the proud owner of RSPO certification.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is an important global, non-profit organisation that promotes the sustainable use of palm-oil.

Making palm oil a sustainable option is extremely important for the environment. Palm has a higher yield of farmed land than any other food oil crop. This means it produces four to ten times more oil than the same mass of other vegetables oil crops. Greater yield means no need for unfarmed land such as rainforest to be converted into plantations, therefore lessening deforestation.

Implementing global standards for sustainable palm oil production means that farming is regulated, meaning we can fight against deforestation, and fight for the farmers and families who work on palm oil plantations.

This is why we work with RSPO to ensure all materials we use from palm origin are traceable and certified.