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The Secrets of Caledonia


EverGreen | Hyssop
Plant Name: Hyssop

INCI Name: Hyssopus Officinalis Extract


Hyssopus officinalis name derived from the Greek meaning “to cleanse sacred places”.
Hyssop has a long medicinal history where the leaf was used as a bathing agent to cleanse the skin and improve poor circulation.
Antioxidant activities of Hyssop were scientifically evaluated by identifying active compounds such as isoquercitrin, rutin and ferulic acid.
Hyssop extracts have also shown antimicrobial activity against Gram (+) and (-) bacteria, as well as pathogenic fungi.
Further research has shown that Hyssop has an anti-inflammatory effect by regulating the secretion of IL-4, IL-17 and IFN-γ.


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