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Time Defender | Calendula
Time Defender
Plant Name: Calendula

INCI Name: Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract

Calendula Officinalis, originating from the Mediterranean and also known as Marigold, has been traditionally used a culinary and medicinal herb. It was named by the ancient Romans who observed that the flower bloomed on the first day (Latin: kalends) of every month. Calendula was a symbol of joy and cultivated it in their gardens to spread happiness. The Romans and Greeks used the golden Calendula in many rituals and ceremonies, sometimes wearing crowns or garlands made from the flowers. It is rich in flavonoids, saponins and carotenoids, Calendula has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, with studies additionally finding antioxidative and cytotoxic effects.
Product Efficacies
Skin Brightening