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Scots Pine | Scots Pine
Scots Pine
Plant Name: Scots Pine

INCI Name: Pinus Sylvestris Bark Extract

Pinus sylvestris was historically used by the Scots for medicinal purposes for centuries. The extract was added to preparations to treat topical inflammation, certain fungal infections and to reduce blood clotting. The inner bark of Scots Pine has been used to make flour for bread, which is gluten free. Scots Pine is a native Caledonian tree, found in abundance in the Scottish Highlands. Traditional use of Scots Pine bark extract is as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Over 26 antioxidant phenolic compounds have been identified in the Scots Pine inner bark and they have been shown in research studies to inhibit cell oxidation and the production of inflammatory mediators such as nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2.
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