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Brief description of products

Using natural Scottish flora and with the support of Scottish herbalists,
we produce of a wide range of active natural cosmetic ingredients that effectively improve the skin through anti-aging,
skin brightening and more. Our highly acclaimed products include…



Milforum | Yarrow
Plant Name: Yarrow

INCI Name: Achillea Millefolium Flower Extract


 Achillea millefolium is an herbaceous perennial plant that is native to the Northern areas of Asia, Europe and North America. 

Yarrow flowers usually blossom from May to July and is known for its strong, sweet scent. 
Since the Ancient Greek times, Yarrow was considered a universal medicine for wounds, due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. 
It was used as a remedy for fever, to relieve eczema and rashes. 
Yarrow ointments were used to soften and heal the skin and an infusion was used as a face wash to reduce pore size. 
The anti-inflammatory effects of Yarrow have been subject to many studies 
including the inhibition of LPS-induced nitric oxide production in macrophages. 

Yarrow extracts have also been shown to have a melanin synthesis inhibition effect by reducing tyrosinase activity.






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